8 Indispensable Proofreading Secrets to Cast Spell on Employers

Are you receiving calls from the companies you’ve submitted your resume for a specific job? If not, you may want to take a second look over your application and see it carefully to determine if you committed mistakes that could have been avoided if we were to check your resume for errors prior to sending it.

It is estimated that approximately an 80percent of resumes that are reviewed contain apparent mistakes. The majority of job seekers don’t review their resumes before sending them to employers, and this causes resumes that contain apparent mistakes. Resumes that are not proofread create a negative impression and are likely to go to the trash bins. We have provided a checklist below which you can follow to check your resumes for errors before sending them. It will assist you in avoiding sending resumes that contain obvious mistakes and getting one step closer to an interview.

1. Pause between the writing of your CV and then proofreading the resume.

It is crucial that you don’t review your resume after you’ve written it. It is much better when you take your eyes to relax and let your resume rest for a night. This gives you the chance to gain an entirely new view of your work.

2. Print out your resume:

It’s generally a good option to print your resume to ensure that it is proofread. This can help check if the format is consistent as well in allowing you to check the resume for any punctuation or capitalization mistakes you could overlook on your computer monitor.

3. You can proofread more than once:

Your resume needs to be reviewed at least once. Also, you should be sure to look for something new every time you review your resume. For instance, the first time you edit, search for spelling mistakes. If you proofread again, look for grammatical mistakes.

4. Read the proofread loudly:

It is recommended to read your resume in loud. This can slow the process down and lets you spot mistakes quickly that you may miss if you just look. Additionally, it gives you a clearer picture of how information is transferred between sections.

5. Make sure you proofread your resume in the sections:

When you are proofreading, do not just examine the way that words relate to each other, but take a look at each word on its own. If you examine your resume in its entirety, the mind will concentrate on the words you wanted to include instead of the things that your resume actually wrote. This is why you should stay in the present moment and pay attention to every line you’re reading. You can make use of two sheets of white paper to cover the entire page, except for the line you are reading.

6. Go through your resume backward

The reversed view of your resume also can force you to take your time and review each line by itself.

7. Get help:

It’s also a good idea to have another person proofread your resume. The second set of eyes can be helpful.

8. Do not be distracted while you proofread:

If you’re interrupted when proofreading, you’re more likely to overlook mistakes. So, you should avoid distractions whenever you proofread.