Is My Resume Outdated Three Checkpoints

For over 30 years, I have been creating resumes. Over that time, I’ve seen many changes. Professionally written resumes today are high-quality job marketing documents. These resumes are written according to professional writing principles and include relevant information for potential employers. Are you asking yourself, “Is my CV outdated?”

Trust me, and if your resume has not been updated in over five, ten, twenty, or thirty years, it is likely that it needs to be rewritten entirely. I am constantly amazed at the number of resumes that contain outdated or irrelevant information. This is the first of four parts that will address the myths and faux pas in resume writing in today’s technologically-advanced job market.

Myth 1 – A resume’s purpose is to land you a job.

This is obviously false. A resume’s purpose is to get you an interview. Because you have only 10-30 seconds to grab potential employers’ attention, your resume should contain relevant information. This information must be conveyed quickly using dynamic language that grabs their attention and makes them want to call you for a job.

Myth 2 – The more you know, the more you should include your education.

This is false. This is “false.” No one will care if you graduated Magna Cum Laude high school or college 15+ years ago. It doesn’t matter if you have taken a college-level floral arrangement course but are applying to an accounting position with a publishing company. It may be helpful to include this information if you are applying for a job as an accountant for a florist business. This decision will depend on the other information that you may have that can be included in your resume.

Myth 3 – Never include an objective statement in your resume.

This myth can be true or false depending on what you mean when you say “objective statement.” Every resume should include an objective. This is a goal or purpose that is tied to a job title, such as receptionist, sales manager, or dental hygienist. Administrative Assistant.

But you can’t use the old, tired, self-centered, objective statements that were popular in the eighties. It’s time to GO! The following examples are similar to what I mentioned above.

“I am looking for a job that will allow me to use my skills and experience within a company that will allow me to grow and develop in a stable environment.”
Prospective employers don’t want to know what you are looking for in a job. They want to know if your skills will help them make more money, save money, or make their business more profitable.

A focused resume should include a job target at the top. This will ensure that you get the best possible result when you request an interview. Prospective employers only care about what you can do for them.

Interviews will be granted to candidates whose resume clearly communicates their needs. A professional resume writer can help you focus your resume on the job you want to apply for.

Radiant Resume Services will create your cover letter and resume. Brilliant Resume Services will make you shine brighter and help you reach your career and job search goals quicker. Radiant Resume Services