Why You Need Three Resumes

This article was composed by Bryan Goldberg. He is a renowned CV writer and researcher and online job help provider to his customers on five continents. In this essay, he describes the significance and advantages of creating three distinct styles of CVs for job applications. The essay was rewritten, and the following is the result:

If you decide to play golf, it is essential to bring the equipment you need. A driver and golf club is a must in the game and also to be successful in the job search. In today’s highly competitive job market, you must have at least three CVs, and this is an essential tool for a successful job search.

The three resumes are available in three different formats A human-friendly one and a third for scanners for computers as well as a third version to be used on the internet.

The following are the characteristics and significance of each kind of resume:

!) Traditional Format-For humans

This is the one that is most commonly used. It’s a one or two-page resume using a lovely piece of paper and ink in order to look suitable for the person reading it.

2.) Scannable format for computers

As managers at the majority of the larger companies don’t have time to read through hundreds of CVs in depth, It is a great idea to make use of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to scan all resumes into databases that are computerized. This way, they can be accessed by the manager hiring them with just the click of a mouse and selecting a couple of choices. There are a few steps to be completed to create a professional CV in a scannable format. The first step is to remove all formatting that is not needed in our text, such as the underline and Italic and font formats. Then, we choose just Sans Serif fonts such as Arial (instead of using Serif fonts such as Times New Roman), which are easier to scan. We only use one format size across (9, or 10, is the preferred size). Following that, a keywords section must be included, and a careful selection of keywords should be included to satisfy the search criteria. The more relevant search terms are within the CV, the greater the odds of receiving an interview invitation. Handing your CV in person by hand or via mail is appropriate for the CV in a formatted form (for usage by humans), and a copy for scanning purposes (for use on computers) could result in receiving a response from an interviewer.

3. ASCII format for web pages and e-mails:

ASCII is an abbreviation of the American Standard Code used for Information Interchange. ASCII is a standard format for the text that is understood by all operating systems on computers. To create an ANSII standard CV, The first step is opening the document within the Word window. Then, save the document to a text file. Then, in the final step, close the document, and we’re finished. Now, the document is available for use. However, you must make the most use of this CV by incorporating keywords to the CV that describe our educational background and job titles, experience and other abilities. The document that was initially created in Word should be maintained and updated by an editor for text in order to prevent any type of garbage formatting within our essential text documents. Keyword selection within the keywords section should be considered. The case may be if we’re hiring managers who are seeking a candidate with certain qualities. For ASCII documents, The size of the document should not exceed 60 characters because a wider width than 60 words could alter the layout of the text document. The mailer should be available for submission online via websites and emails.