Writing a Resume What Should You Include and Why

Knowing the requirements of the job is crucial so that you can match your past achievements and experiences with them. This gives the employer a strong impression that you are likely to be the right person for them. Don’t impress them with false information. This will harm your integrity and negatively affect your character for your future and current employers.

These are the things that you should include on your resume in order to increase your chances of getting hired.

1. To reach you, personal information is required

Start by creating a header with your personal information, including your full name, current address, and mobile phone number. If you are shortlisted for an interview, your employer must know how to reach them.

A professional-looking photograph can be included. This will give the employer a sense of your personality.

2. At-A-Glance (overview)

Make a section called At-A-Glance. It’s basically a summary of who you are professional. This section includes your key accomplishments and why you are a good match for the job posting. This section usually consists of one paragraph and no more than 200-300 words. It usually follows the personal information section.

This can be done by listing the most important character traits you have and how they have helped you succeed in your past and current work experiences. You might consider traits like resourcefulness, accountability, perseverance, reliability, team-player, and others. To determine what strengths you have, you can perform a self-assessment and show how they were used in achieving your key achievements.

3. Past jobs and key achievements

The next section should be based on the job posting. It should contain your work experience starting with the most recent. The company name, address, the position you held, and how long. This section will tell the employer what positions you have held and whether that history provides a rich background to help you take on the current job.

Your key accomplishments should be listed under each job title. These achievements can be written in bullet form. Key achievements can be linked to key performance indicators (KPIs) from either your current or previous job. They are often quantifiable and time-bound. Identify two to three of your key accomplishments.

4. Character References

While most people place “Available on request” under the Reference section in their resumes, employers will appreciate having two to three character references included in their resumes. This sends the message that you are willing to have your character evaluated.

If you have any, your past supervisors or mentors can be used as character references. You should include their contact information and make sure they have permission to share it.

You can best assess how to modify and improve your resumes by going through your job application. These are just a few of the things you should consider. However, it is important to continue learning about best practices for creating the best resume.